Friday, April 5, 2013

Reblog: Melinda Selmys

Melinda Selmys, whom I had the pleasure of meeting last summer, is one of my favorite authors for her outstanding book Sexual Authenticity. She was a practicing lesbian in her teens, became a Catholic around the age of 20, and has since married and is raising a sizable family -- but does not consider herself part of the ex-gay world. She recently reviewed a video by one Michael Voris; his staff, in reply, challenged her to cite only one of the errors she claimed the video contained. She produced forty. I am intending to return to my series on gender shortly, but I was rather tickled by this (which is perhaps not altogether charitable of me, I'm not sure), and aside from that it is an important issue -- not because of Voris in particular, but because of the segment of Christianity and specifically of Catholicism that he represents.

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