I've been kind of out of commission this week. A friend of our family unexpectedly passed away on Sunday night, and I've needed time to grieve and detox from the busy-ness. I am working on a new post, but it'll be a bit longer.
Meanwhile, this essay on the difficulty of trusting someone who likes someone you hate (or who hates you) from the Marin Foundation's blog is worth a read. I like the work they do a lot, and I feel that this post sets exactly the right tone for all bridge-building projects -- as well as showing why they're so hard. Reconciliation is never, ever easy, and sometimes, because of one or both parties' stubbornness, it doesn't succeed; but it is nonetheless work worth doing.
I just recently found out about your blog and I've enjoyed your posts. My condolences on the passing of your friend. May her/his soul rest in peace and may Our Lady comfort you in this time of grief.