Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year From Mudblood Catholic!

Hey Mudbloods! It is really cool to be writing for you all. I've gotten some truly encouraging and touching comments and e-mails over the last year, and I am so happy to know that people get something out of my work. Everybody have a good New Year, and I hope all my fellow Catholics enjoy an excellent celebration of the Solemnity of the Mother of God.


  1. Mother of God — the first of the Marian dogmas to be defined, I believe.

  2. Happy New Year to you - from Rome! Am here til Jan 9th. Celebrated with fireworks at the Colosseum, Mass at Santa Maria Maggiore. Hoping you can get here sometime. Am remembering you & your intentions.

  3. You forgot your brazilian - or portuguese speaking - readers! Just kidding. Happy New Year, Gabriel.
