Monday, January 13, 2014

Two Bits of News

After some thought and prayer, I have elected to change my Trollslaying Policy. I had originally hoped -- though I didn't know whether I'd have the guts to stick to it -- never to ban anyone, but only to suppress individual comments if they seemed too awful. However, I have found through experience that I don't in fact have the guts to carry that out. Negative comments can really get to you, which is funny since they're from strangers and this is after all the internet, and that means expending a lot of energy in processing them; and the brute fact is that I need that energy to do other things, like sleep and not be cripplingly depressed. The updated policy, which I hope I will not resort to again, is already posted on the sidebar.

Also, I recently got the copy of Melinda Selmys' Sexual Authenticity: More Reflections, a follow-up to her first book, and HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS MELINDA SELMYS QUOTED ME IN HER BOOK!

This I'm rather pleased about. Review to follow. Eve Tushnet, whose approach seems to be markedly different from mine or Melinda's -- I loved the first one, which didn't work for her -- has already written a review, which can be found here.

Review to follow when it'll consist of me doing something other than post photos like this one like twenty times.

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