Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What I Expect to Learn by Becoming a Coke Dealer

I've decided to go into the cocaine business: for that, I need funding to buy cocaine, and also help in finding a reputable supplier; and for these things, dear readers, I turn to you. By becoming a coke dealer, I expect to learn valuable and uplifting lessons about this grassroots society: conflict resolution, the relationship between macro- and microeconomics, marksmanship, and maybe a little botany on the side. I think you'll agree that these are all valuable educational advances and worthwhile life skills.


If, for some reason, you have something against learning, you could alternatively help me out by sponsoring me through Patreon.

My dudemanbro Joey Prever told me about it, and it is pretty cool -- it lets you fund people who make stuff for each individual piece, without having to jump through the hoops of getting some faceless corporation interested in the work, or whoring it out to advertising and marketing. (Given my distaste for corporations and my strong preference for direct, organically developed relationships between creators and those who enjoy their creations, Patreon is kind of a dream come true for me.) The video intro below says, well, pretty much the same thing, but at greater length and with the attractive background of a tiled ceiling and badly painted walls.

Whether you elect to sponsor me or not, I would solicit your prayers -- for me personally and for the blog -- and I wish you all an excellent day. And remember: say yes to drugs.

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